

(Common cold with inflammation of mucous membrane)
a) To remove predisposition to take cold, Ferrum Phos 3x & Calcarea Phos 3x should be
taken in two hourly alternation for some days. A lack of ferrum molecules in the blood is the
cause of colds.
b) “If the fibrinous exudation is thrown off through the nasal passages, it is called catarrh.”
In the stage of acute nasal catarrh, dry coryza, stuffy cold, and burning dryness, Kali Mur 6x
has proved to be the most satisfactory remedy, when taken two hourly.
c) Natrum Mur 12x: We cite a case-record from a book by Dr George W. Carey, M.D.: A
lady of 48 years suffered from coryza “which appeared twice a week, lasted one or two
days…always worse from 10 to 12 a. m. The discharge was watery and so profuse that she
was compelled to use a towel instead of a handkerchief. Everything cool brought relief. Wet
weather, fog, wet feet, warmth and a warm room aggravated the condition. The attack was
accompanied by sneezing that could be heard throughout the house… she received Natr. Mur,
five powders, one to be taken every third evening… Subsequently the same remedy was
prescribed, a powder once a week…with most satisfactory results.”
d) Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: Thin watery excoriating discharge; sneezing without relief,
worse wet weather, better warm drinks; 3 hourly three days may be good enough.


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