Cramps( Biochemic medicine)


(Spasmodic involuntary painful contraction of muscles from sudden chill or strain)
1) Cuprum Met 6x or 12x: Spasms and cramps in abdomen, calves of legs, soles,
palms. Flexor types of cramps are usually noticed with great weariness of limbs.
Clonic spasms begin in fingers and toes. Three doses 4 hourly to be given.
2) Cuprum Ars 3: “Cramps in calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved
by getting out of bed and standing.” It may be given every four hour, one or two
3) Magnesia Phos 6x: It is excellent for spasms of every kind in any part of the
body. There may be a sensation in limbs like a shock of electricity. Cramps in calf
muscles. Writer’s cramp. It cures convulsion, twitching, contraction, cramps, fits,
etc., when frequent doses are given in hot water. For quick relief in the case of
cramps and spasms, half a teaspoon of Mag Phos is dissolved in a cup of hot water
(stirred often) and a sip is taken every 5 minute, seven times. Subsequently, Calcarea
Phos 6x should be alternated every 2 hour to prevent recurrence of spasms &
cramps. This alternation cures Lockjaw also.
4) Calcarea Phos 6x: We cite a very interesting case. Dr Fechtmann was called to
see a lady who “had been suffering for nearly five weeks from fearful attacks of
convulsive spasms. During the last 24 hours she had had thirty attacks. The spasms
darted through her body like an electric shock, so that she fell to the ground. The
attack lasted a few minutes, after which she felt well enough, but rather exhausted…Knowing that Magnes. Phos and Calc. Phos are the two prescribed for allaying
spasms (cramp), I chose the latter, Calc. Phos., under the circumstances. Next day, to
the astonishment of those about her, I found the old lady walking about the room. She
met me with a smile, exclaiming: “Ah, doctor, my spasms are cured!” And so it was.
She has not had another attack.”


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