Dengue( Biochemic medicine)


(Infectious eruptive fever causing acute pains in joints and back with stiffness of patient’s neck &
shoulders, and biphasic febrile episode, severe headache, myalgia (muscular pains) and
morbilliform rash. Female mosquito aedes aegypti causes dengue which is also known as break
bone fever. First day flashes of heat on face, skin acquires red appearance. Sixth day the patient
suffers from morbilliform rash which resembles that of measles.)
1) Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: High temperature may be due to G. I. Tract infection.
Septic fevers. Great prostration with mental restlessness. Fear of death, thinks it is
useless to take medicine, afraid of loneliness, burning pains; affected parts burn like
coals of fire, drinks often but little at a time, complaints worse after midnight, upon lying
down, at seashore, better from heat & warm drinks. This remedy acts on every organ and
tissue profoundly. Excellent results are seen in the case of abuse of alcohol, injurious
effects of watery fruits, cold drinks, ice cream, spoiled meat, decayed food. It may be
given 3 hourly for 3/5 days.
2) Bio Combination No. 11: It is useful when taken 4 hourly. It consists of Ferrum Phos,
Kali Mur, Natrum Mur, Kali Sulph and Natrum Sulph in 3x potency. Ferrum Phos and
Natrum Sulph in alteration also work. Ars Alb may be given simultaneously.
All symptoms may not appear at a time. So the layman has to apply medicine based on a few
salient features only. No worry, even then.
The intake of these tiny atoms is safe against assault of disease force upon vital force of the
human body inasmuch as application thereof is indicated in viral or bacterial influenza,
intermittent, remittent, scarlet, gastric fevers, dengue, measles, smallpox, heart affections
including Angina Pectoris etc


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