Diabetes Mellitus( Biochemic medicine)

Diabetes Mellitus

(Steady accumulation of sugar in blood due to degeneration of the islands of Langerhans in the
pancreas causing insulin deficiency characterized by excessive glucose-charged urine, thirst, &
1) Natrum Sulph 6x: Diabetes Mellitus of nervous origin is cured by treatment with NatrumSulph and Mag Phos, both 6x, in alternation every two hour for a week (E. A. de Cailhol,
M.D.). It is the chief remedy. Deficiency of the pancreatic secretion may be the reason
according to Schussler. It eliminates excess water from the blood and the blood serum.
2) Bio combination No.7, four times a day: The combination comprises of Calcarea Phos,
Ferrum Phos, Kali Phos, Natrum Phos, and Natrum Sulph. Ferrum Phos and Calcarea Phos
are required to cure inflammation of kidneys. Kali Phos restores nervous system and
facilitates normal functioning of the pancreas. Natrum Phos takes care of hepatic form of
diabetes. Natrum Sulph is an important remedy in all stages of diabetes. It secures
elimination of excess water from the blood and the blood serum. The bio-combination thus
supports patient’s state of health by assimilating the glucose.
3) Ars Brom 3x or 6x, thrice daily: It is a good remedy for diabetes:
“Arsen. Brom. is also a powerful remedy in diabetes mellitus and
insipidus, for I cured cases with it where the patient had already been
reduced from 138 pounds to 98…let the patient take three drops thrice
daily in a glass of water, and after a week the insatiable burning thirst
will be quenched, and these doses must be continued till the quantity of
sugar in the urine is reduced, when the drug might be taken twice a day
and continued for a long time. A diabetic patient needs fresh pure air if
he wishes to get well; confinement in a room or in the office prevents
the action of any treatment, for it needs ozone to reduce the sugar of the
blood into carbonic acid and water.” (Dr Clemens, as translated from the
German language by Dr Samuel Lilienthal).
Diabetic patients should never overeat, not even once. Let the food be digested easily. One
should not keep the stomach empty either; better eat six times a day. The food should not be rich;
it should be nutritious.
Though Diabetes Mellitus is usually incurable, but controllable, we are pleased to cite an
example of cure hereby. Our family friend, Captain S.N. Dalmia of Indian Airlines, was once
grounded when he became diabetic, but he proceeded to Jaipur where he stayed in an Ashram for
six months, and by sheer determination and firm belief, doing Yoga regularly, and maintaining
proper diet always as was suggested by a Swamiji, got cured without any medication and could
pass stringent tests and procedures which were conducted repeatedly in conformity with rules
and regulations of the government of India. Consequently, orders for grounding were revoked and
he commenced flying the planes again as before. You can achieve your objective in case you are
endowed with such resoluteness.

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