Diarrhoea(Biochemic medicine)


(Excessive frequency and looseness of bowel movements; imperfect digestion and assimilation
of food generally causes it. It may be due to climatic conditions also.)
Chief causes:
1) Deficiency of sodium salts (Natrum Phos, Natrum Mur, & Natrum Sulph), which regulate
fluids of the body
2) Nervousness
3) Living in damp area – a climatic condition
4) Frequent or excessive use of purgatives
5) Eating rotten fruits or decayed food or may be allergy to a drug or a food
6) Imperfect digestion and assimilation of food
7) Infection caused by bacteria or parasites
8) Ulcerative colitis
9) Toxic states – arsenic poison or uraemia
10) Crohn’s disease of the small intestine or large intestine
11) Endocrine Causes – hyperthyroidism or tumor of the pancreas
a) Frequent evacuation of liquid or semi-liquid stools, without discharge of mucus
or blood
b) The stools are paler than normal
c) When severe and persistent, the patient may suffer from physical exhaustion,
dehydration, potassium and protein deficiency
1. Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: Food poisoning after taking watery fruits, melons,
preserved foods; great restlessness, intense agony, prostration and burning thirst;
drinks much but little at a time. It may be taken 3 hourly for 5 to 7 days.
2. One of our most valuable remedies for diarrhoea of children during dentition is
Calcarea Phos 3x, every two or three hours for two/three days. Stool may be hot,
watery, profuse, offensive, and noisy. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x if the
child suffers from flatulent colic also.
3. Natrum Sulph 6x, a few doses hourly: It is one of the most indicated Bio-chemic
remedy in the case of chronic diarrhea with loose gushing morning greenish stools <
in damp weather.
4. Kali Phos 6x: Evacuations putrid, carrion-like odor, discharges resemble rice-water,
with depression and prostration, with or without pain; rectum sore and burns. It
should be taken two hourly for two days.
5. Kali Mur 6x 2 hourly 2 days: Stools after eating rich food with the characteristic
white coating of the tongue; bloody or slimy stools; pale yellow or clay colored.
6. Argentum Nitricum 12x or 30x, twice daily: It is good for watery and noisy diarrhea
caused by sudden good or bad news or sorrow or anger or emaciation, or
immediately after eating or drinking.
i) Boiled rice and yoghurt best food
ii) Drinking a glass of water every half hour
iii) After the attack is over, apple, ripe banana & brown rice are easily dgestible


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