Dropsy(Biochemic medicine)


Anasarca, ascites, oedema also
(Morbid accumulation of watery fluid in any part of body; a deficiency of calcium phosphate
and sodium chloride in the blood and blood-serum)
1) Natrum Mur 6x, thrice a day: A little girl of 9 years “recovered from diphtheria and
scarlatina rather easily…Suddenly she began to swell without any apparent cause…Dropsy
was increasing rapidly; urine scanty; only very small quantities occasionally…Natrum Mur
alone cured in about a fortnight.” (Dr Cohn). Natrum Sulph 6x, which is the chief remedy,
may be alternated, every 2 hours, to carry off the excess of water.
2) Kali Mur 6x: It is “indicated in chronic persistent swelling of the feet and lower limbs,
when the swelling is soft at first, afterwards becoming hard to the touch, without pain or
redness…the swelling becomes less perceptible in the morning than in the evening.” (Dr
Goullon); there is generally a white coated tongue; dropsy arising from weakness of heart or
from obstruction of bile-ducts. It may be taken three times a day.
3) Kali Nit 6x, thrice a day for 7 days: It is quite good in the case of sudden dropsical swellings
over the whole body; nose, hands and fingers also appear swollen. The patient feels better while
taking sips of water frequently.
The diet should be good in protein, calories and vitamins. After cure the patient may resume
normal diet


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