Dysentery:(Biochemic medicine)


(A painful intestinal inflammation characterized by semi-solid stools, mucous and bloody
a) Amoebic dysentery is characterized by periodic attacks of diarrhea with blood
and slime in the stools
b) In acute bacillary dysentery the onset is sudden with fever, colic and tenesmus
c) The stools are hot and contain blood with mucus together with pus cells and
epithelial debris
d) Constant urging to empty the bowels
e) Cramp like pains in the abdomen
1) Suddenly checked perspiration during or after warm weather
2) Living in damp area
3) Frequent use of purgatives
4) Suppression of piles
5) Deficiency of iron molecules
1. Kali Mur and Ferrum Phos, both 6x and in alternation, every two hours, are generally
sufficient to cure dysentery, if taken in time. The patient passes stool every few minutes
and tenesmus is always present; pale-yellow stools.
2. Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x: Amoebic dysentery; drinks much but little at a time. Stools
small, dark, very offensive, bloody with great prostration. Let it be taken 3 hourly for
two days.
3. Kali Phos 6x 2 hourly 2 days: It is required if stools consist of pure blood, abdomen
swells, stools have offensive putrid odor, with great dryness of tongue and pain after
4. Mag Phos 6x: It should be taken every 15 minutes in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 doses, if the
patient suffers from crampy spasmodic pains, eased by bending double & warmth.
5 Natrum Sulph 6x every one hour 4/5 doses: If stools are bilious and due to living in damp
area, it is needed.
6) Calcarea Sulph 6x should be taken 2 hourly one or two days in case the stools are sanious
and mattery


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