Earache(Biochemic medicine)


(Otitis Media = inflammation of the middle ear)
1. Earache due to boil in the ear with discharge of fetid pus: Hepar Sulph 12x or 30x, 3 doses at
interval of 15 minutes. If earache is due to an abscess in the ear, and exposure to cold dry winds, and
pain increases even on touching the affected ear, it may be taken thrice daily for 7 days.
2. Roaring and ringing in ear: Natrum Mur 12x, 3 hourly one week.
3. Inflammatory earache after exposure to cold or wet with burning throbbing pain, noticeable
pulsation: Ferrum Phos 6x hourly, 6 doses. “For earache after exposure to cold or wet I have no
better remedy.” (R.S. Copeland); Dr H.W. Chaplin says that no other medicine is needed with it in the
treatment of otitis media. “Noticeable pulsation in the ear; every impulse of the heart is felt here,
beating in the ear and head; the pulse can be counted.” (Houghton)
4. Kali Mur 6x, principal remedy for deafness from swelling of the glands & the external ear. There
may be cracking noises on blowing the nose; it may be taken thrice a day for some days. Its action is
greater upon the Eustachian tube of the right side than upon that of the left side.
5. Silicea 6x: For chronic suppurative otorrhoea, when discharge is thin, ichorous, offensive and
associated with destruction of bone, Silicea is the remedy. It is also good for Meniere’s syndrome
(excess fluid in inner ear causing dizziness, ringing in ears, even deafness) and Mastoid Periostitis,
especially in case there is relief from moist warmth. Calcarea Sulph 3x or 6x follows Silicea well in
suppurative processes when the discharge is mixed sometimes with blood and aggravation is fromworking in water.
6. Natrum Salicylicum 3x or 6x thrice a day for a few days: It is very useful in Meniere’s disease
(excess fluid in inner ear causing dizziness, auditory vertigo, ringing in ears and even deafness);
tinnitus of a low tone; it is one of the best remedies for the prostrating after-effects of influenza; it
increases bile; all objects seem to move to the right side.


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