Elephantiasis(Biochemic medicine)


(A chronic disease of skin causing part affected to resemble elephant’s hide; it is caused by
obstruction of the lymphatic vessels, esp. by filarial worms.)
1) Ars Alb 12x or 30x: It acts on every organ and tissue profoundly and is beneficial in
septic infections and low vitality; a few 4 hourly doses for a week may be adequate.
2) Calcarea Fluor 12x: It is given twice a day for a few months. Its use enables the
body to resume its power of contractility and function properly. Exudations are thrown
off and absorbed by the lymphatics.
3) Silicea 12x: Let it be alternated with Calcarea Fluor twice a day. It promotes
expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues, sphincters etc. Its action is deep and lasting.
It has the power to reabsorb sero-albuminous exudation existing within the tissues by the
means of lymphatics. It also helps the connective tissue cells to throw off the
accumulated urates. It restores suppressed foot-sweats.

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