Emphysema(Biochemic medicine)


(Abnormal enlargement of alveoli or air vesicles of the lungs accompanied by loss of
elasticity in the tissues causing serious impairment in breathing)
d) Emphysema is seen most often in middle-aged persons who may have suffered
from chronic bronchitis
e) Breathlessness increases on slightest exertion particularly in winter
f) Expiration is prolonged and wheezing
g) Dyspnoea is worse on ascending even a few steps
h) Desire to lie on abdomen from which he/she gets relief
1) Antimonium Ars 6x or 12x: It is very useful in emphysema with excessive
dyspnoea, cough and much mucous secretion, worse on eating and lying down. There
may be oedema of face or left sided pleurisy. It should be given thrice a day for some
2) Calcarea Fluor 6x & Ferrum Phos 6x: To restore strength of muscles and elasticity
of connective fibers, one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x, 5 tablets, should be given daily in the
morning, and one dose of Calcarea Fluor 6x similarly in the evening every day till
recovery. Intercurrently, Calcarea Phos 6x may be had one dose in a week. Calcarea
Fluor is the chief remedy in true croup (Inflammation of larynx and trachea,
characterized by suffocative breathing). Ferrum Phos is the chief remedy for dyspnoea.
For relaxation caused by emphysema of the muscles of chest, Ferrum Phos is an
excellent remedy. It can also be applied externally. One can also administer Kali Mur or
Natrum Mur if indicated by the color and the nature of the expectoration.
Worth Noting:
We consider it our moral obligation to acknowledge, by placing on record hereby, that
this book of welfare is the outcome of the inspiration we have derived from the
departed saintly soul of revered Shashikant Sheth, one of God’s chosen people, and our
family friend, who unfortunately died of emphysema some years ago.


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