Epilepsy(Biochemic medicine)


(Chronic nervous disease in which patient falls to ground unconscious, with or without convulsions)
a) Suddenly the child gives a loud shriek and falls down unconscious.
b) His movements become violent.
c) The jaws are clenched.
d) Foam emanates from the mouth, often tinged with blood as the tongue gets bitten.
e) The eyes are fixed and staring, and roll about.
f) The hands are clenched over the thumbs.
g) The child seems bewildered upon waking after 2/3 minutes.
1) Cuprum Met 3x or 6x: Aura begins from knees and ascends to lower abdomen,
thereafter unconsciousness, foaming, falling may occur. During unconscious state, the tongue
protrudes and retracts like that of a snake; aggravation at night, during menses, new and full
moon; amelioration by drinking cold water and perspiration. There may be spasmodic
asthma, cramps in calves and soles, and worm affections. Let it be taken thrice a day for
some days.
2) Argentum Nitricum 6x or 12x: It is an excellent remedy for epilepsy caused by fright or
occurs at menstrual period. Very characteristic is the great desire for sweets. The patient
suffers from peculiar mental impulses such as jumping out of window. The symptoms are
worse from warmth in any form and after taking meals, better fresh air. It may be taken twice
a day for some days.
3) Kali Mur 6x: It is the chief remedy for epilepsy, especially when it occurs with or after
the suppression of skin eruptions. It relieves a fit. It prevents tissue metamorphosis. “The
protoplasmic fibres are surely strengthened by Kali Mur…to preserve the brain integrity.” It
should be given thrice a day.
4) A combination of Kali Mur 6x, Kali Phos 6x, Mag Phos 6x is also quite effective if
given 4 hourly. Kali Phos takes care of shrunken countenance, coldness, palpitation. Mag
Phos takes care of epilepsy from vicious habits and also the spasms and contortions of
epilepsy. It should be given in hot water.
5) Silicea 6x: It is good for Nocturnal epilepsy, especially if it occurs about the time of
new moon, and at night.
6) Borax 3x, twice daily for some days: It is a valuable remedy for children, in case he/she
is afraid of downward movement and is very sensitive to noises.
Remarks: The hygiene of the patient must be taken care of. The diet should be vegetarian. No
overeating; regular meals; plenty of fresh air, exercise and sleep are imperative.


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