(Bleeding from nose)
Epistaxis is a Greek word meaning ‘to drop’. For getting quick relief, one should apply cold water on
the head, the neck and the nostrils.
1) Ferrum Phos 3x or 6x, hourly, 3 or 4 doses first day: Epistaxis, especially of children, of
bright red blood, face flushed. Subsequently, it may be given twice per day for a week or so
to prevent recurrence.
2) Kali Phos 6x, two hourly two/three days: Epistaxis of dark thin putrid blood in weak old
people; predisposition to bleeding.
3) Kali Mur 3x or 6x two hourly for two/three days: If the blood is dark and coagulating, it
is the remedy.
4) Natrum Mur 6x, 2 hourly two/three days, if the blood is thin and watery in anemic
persons and may have been caused by coughing or stooping.
5) Natrum Sulph 6x to be administered 2 hourly for 2/3 days if epistaxis occurs during
6) If one sided discharge from the nose, Calcarea Sulph 6x; if the bleeding is worse in the
evening or in a warm room, Kali Sulph 6x; if the epistaxis is associated with acidity and
worms, Natrum Phos 6x; application in such cases two hourly for 2/3 days.