Erysipelas(Biochemic medicine)


(St Anthony’s fire)
(Acute infectious disease caused by streptococcus and characterized by localized inflammation
and deep red color of skin, with fever, flushes of heat, chill, headache, vomiting and shooting
pains, worse from movement)
1) Graphites 6x or 12x or 30x: “Phlegmonous erysipelas of face” with
burning and stinging pain, worse warmth, at night, during and after
menstruation; Graphites “eradicates tendency to erysipelas.” It suits
patients who have tendency to obesity, skin affections and constipation.
Three doses may be sufficient if taken 3 hourly for 4/5 days.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x and Natrum Sulph 6x: Should be alternated every
hour first day, next day 2 hourly, third day 4 hourly; in bio-chemic system
of treatment Natrum Sulph is the chief remedy for erysipelas with or
without vomiting of bile. There may be smooth, red, shiny, tingling or
painful swelling of the skin. Ferrum Phos takes care of fever and
inflammation duly.
3) Kali Mur 6x every 3 hours for a week: Principal remedy for vesicular
blistering of erysipelas when there is a white or yellow watery secretion
from blisters and the limbs affected are swollen and of white color, it is
the remedy, and should be alternated 2 hourly with Ferrum Phos 6x in
case fever persists.


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