Gall Stones(Biochemic medicine)

Gall Stones

(Stones, a calcareous deposit, in gall bladder or bile ducts caused by a deficiency of sodiumsulphate molecules which thicken bile)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) If he/she takes a deep breath while the fingers of the examiner
are pressed firmly but gently over the right hypochondrium, there
will be momentary interruption in breathing
b) Fatty food may cause irregular dyspeptic symptoms
c) Pain in the right hypochondrium at the inferior angle of
scapula exists
d) In case, a stone lodges in the neck of the gallbladder or
passes into the common bile duct, attack of biliary colic results
Natrum Sulph 6x: Since a deficiency of sodium sulphate causes gall stone,
Natrum Sulph is needed to expel it. The patient cannot bear tight clothing
around waist. It should be given 4 hourly. To prevent re-formation of stones, it
should be given in alternation with Calcarea Phos 6x. In the case of excessive
pain and spasms from gall-stones, Mag Phos 6x should be also given suitably
in lukewarm water. The remedies should be continued for a very long time.
Natrum Sulph has cured several cases of gall-stone colic. Perverted viscid
bile forms gallstones. Natrum Sulph helps the liver to make healthy bile,
which is the natural solvent of gall-stones.


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