Goiter (Biochemic medicine)


(Morbid enlargement of thyroid gland, often visible as a large pendulous swelling in the lower
part of the front of the neck, occurring commonly in people of mountainous origin; simple goiter
means iodine deficiency goiter; in exophthalmic goiter, there is bulging of eye balls.)
Signs & symptoms:
a) Toxic nodular goiter tends to affect elderly persons
b) It causes cardiovascular sign such as dysrhythmia (defective rhythm)
c) The goiter moves upward on swallowing
d) Large goiter with marked exophthalma gives an impression of terror to the face
1) Natrum Phos 3x: It is an important remedy in treatment of goiter, if the patient suffers
from acidity. It should be taken three times a day. In case, nodulated enlargement exists and
stony hardness of the gland is seen, Calcarea Fluor 5x should be given twice a day for a long
period, preferably in alternation with Calcarea Phos, which is the chief remedy for simple
goiter and glandular swellings.
2) Natrum Mur 6x: It is very good for exophthalmic goiter, in which case it is required to
be given three times a day for a long period. There may be much secretion of saliva.
Persistent use of the indicated remedy for several months brings satisfactory results.


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