1) Natrum Mur 30x, 3 hourly for two/three days: Headache in the morning on awakening, after
menstruation or from sunrise to sunset with a sensation as if a thousand little hammers were knocking
in or on the brain; it may be semi-lateral, may be consequential to frontal sinus, may cause nausea and
vomiting; worse seashore, music, warm room, consolation, better lying on right side, in open air.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x, two or three doses hourly: It relieves headache from cold or sun-heat, if it is
bruising, pressing or stitching type and gets aggravated on stooping and motion. The headache may be
congestive with red face and a throbbing sensation, worse right side; “Cold applications and pressure
3) Kali Phos 6x, two hourly: For neuralgic headache with nervous symptoms, humming in ears, fromoverstrain of mental faculties, followed by exhaustion; for hysterical or menstrual headaches, it is an
excellent remedy. The patient may be irritable and despondent and may have brownish yellow tongue
and sensation of a band around the head; headache may be better while having dinner.
4) Mag Phos 6x: Paroxysmal excruciating headache when cold aggravates, heat relieves. Mag Phos
should be taken in hot water in 5 grain doses every 15 minutes, total 3 or 4 doses. The headache may
be neuralgic or rheumatic and may change location. The patient may see sparks before the eyes.
5) Natrum Sulph 6x, two hourly: Sick headache with nausea, vomiting of bile, giddiness, periodical
vertigo; headache in the right side of the forehead.
6) Natrum Phos 6x, 2 hourly: Frontal or on top of head & in the morning.
7) Kali Sulph 6x 2 hourly: In case the pain is worse in the evening & in the warm room, but better in
cool air.
8) Carbolic Acid 6x, thrice daily for a few days: Orbital neuralgia over the right eye, better by taking
green tea and while smoking. Sensation as if the head is compressed by a rubber band. There may be
constipation with fetid breath. Pains arise and vanish suddenly.
9) Calcarea Phos 6x 2hourly, in case there is feeling of coldness & numbness and there is crawling
sensation and the headache is worse from heat or cold.