Heel Pains

Heel Pains

(Feet bear the weight of the entire body. An increase in weight tends to increase the pressure on
the heels. Faulty gait also leads to heel pains. One of the commonest locations for spurs is the
heel. If you suffer from a shooting pain, while placing the foot on the ground in the morning, be
sure it is due to spur.)
For sore pain and aching in the heel, Calcarea Phos 6x, 4 hourly for a few days; for caries of the
bones of the heel, Silicea 6x, three times a day for a few days; for piercing ulcerative pains in the
soles and heels, Natrum Sulph 6x, thrice a day for some days. Calcarea Sulph 6x removes
burning and itching of the soles of feet if taken similarly.
For fissures on the heels, Antim Crud 12x or 30x may be administered twice a day for a week.
For ulcers on the heels with burning pains, Ars Alb 12x or 30x may be taken twice a day for a
few days.
For cracks in heels, Graphites 12x or 30x may be given twice a day for a week.


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