(Abnormal protrusion of all or part of an organ, especially a part of the intestine, through a
tear or rupture in the wall of the surrounding structure; it may be abdominal, cerebral,
hiatus, inguinal, inguinosacral, labial, scrotal, umbilical, vaginal, strangulated; in case the
agony continues despite treatment, timely consultation with a surgeon is a must.)
1) Plumbum Met 6x or 12x: It is quite good in intussusception with colic around navel
region radiating to all parts of body and in strangulated hernia, femoral, inguinal, or
umbilical. There may be a sensation of abdominal wall being drawn by a string to the spine.
It may be taken 4 hourly for some days. The patient is worse at night and during movement.
2) Ferrum Phos 3x: It is useful in inflamed and incarcerated hernia. It should be taken 2
hourly. For abdominal hernia in anemic patients, Calcarea Phos 3x, which is quite good in
the case of hernia of the navel, should also be given as may suit with Ferrum Phos.
3) Calcarea Fluor 6x: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy to contract relaxed parts and to
enhance elasticity of connective fibers and muscles. It may be alternated with Silicea 6x, 4
hourly. “Apply a cold compress over the swelling and preferably soaked first in a solution of
Calc-f. Keep the knees raised.” ( Editors of B. Jain)
4) Aurum Met 6x or 12x twice daily for a few days: it is very effective to deal with hernia
of the scrotum.