Hydrocele(Biochemic medicine)


(Orchitis also)
(Accumulation of serous fluid in tunica vaginalis of testis or in spermatic cord or in labium
1) If hardness dominates, Calcarea Fluorica 12x may be given twice a day for a month.
2) Aurum Met 6x or 12x, twice a day for a certain period: In the case of atrophy of testicles with
chronic painful induration and a feeling of worthlessness, it would help a lot. In the case of an
Aurum Met patient, the symptoms worsen in winter, from sunset to sunrise particularly.
3) Silicea 12x 2 doses daily: It is a good remedy for elephantiasis of scrotum, hydrocele, and
chronic gonorrhoea with fetid discharge. Sweat is offensive. The patient may fear pins. Burning
pain is worse new moon, lying on left side, better in summer. According to Dr Walker, Large
Sacro-hydrocele was reduced drastically by Silicea.
4) Calcarea Fluor 12x: To tone up and enhance the contractile power of all connective fibers of
both tunicas and to decrease the accumulation of fluid, it should be alternated with Natrum Mur
12x along with Natrum Sulph 12x every 4 hours for some days. One dose of Calcarea Phos in the
potency of 30x may be taken once a week intercurrently.
5) Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum 3x (8 drops of 10 grain powder dissolved in pure water to be
taken twice daily half hour after meals for a month): Chloride of Gold and Sodium are the
common names of the remedy. Dr E. P. Anshutz in his book ‘New, Old and Forgotten Remedies’
has quoted Dr H. Goullon: “Let us recall the region in which gold makes such brilliant cures and
we find it especially suitable in an uncommon swelling of the left testicle. In this case I do not
exaggerate when I say that the scrotum was as large as a gourd of moderate size and the tumor
was four or five times larger in circumference than the right testicle, which was also swollen.”
The general condition also improves remarkably. The patient becomes cheerful and comfortable
and enjoys sound sleep.


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