(Abnormal accumulation of fluid inside the brain)
Signs & symptoms:
a) Great enlargement of head, making the face look disproportionately small
b) Patient cries with intense pain
c) There may be suppression of urine
d) Scalp sweats during sleep
1) Zincum Metallicum 6x or 12x, 6 hourly: Hydrocephalus with cerebral depression,
profound prostration, anemia, brain-fag, rolling of head from side to side; cannot keep feet
still; forehead cool, but base of brain hot; bores head into pillow and screams; worse after
dinner, and from wine; great relief from discharges and appearance of eruptions.
2) Calcarea Phos 2x: Hydrocephalus may be acute or chronic, it is the remedy; Head large
and unsteady. Ears and nose may be cold. Eyeballs may protrude; bones of skull may be thin
and friable. The patient screams and grasps the head with hands. There may be sensation of
ice water on upper part of occiput. Headache, if any, ameliorates after sudden sneezing.
Symptoms are worse from cold, motion, change of weather, better rest and lying down. It
should be given morning and evening. If hydrocephaloid conditions already developed,
Argentum Nit 6x may be alternated.