Hypotension(Biochemic medicine)


(Low blood pressure)
Signs and Symptoms:
a) Loss of vital fluid
b) Excessive vomiting, diarrhoea, blood/semen/albumen loss
c) Pulse slow and weak
d) Irregular heart beat and palpitation
e) Simple food disagrees; weak digestion
1) Ferrum Phos 6x is quite useful, and should be taken 4 hourly for two/three months. .
2) Carbo Veg 12x: The patient desires fresh air, must have all the windows open, feels
better from fanning hard; may suffer from flatulence in upper part of abdomen; may be almost
lifeless due to low vitality from loss of fluids; food putrefies before it is digested. It should
be given 4 hourly for some days. Phosphoric Acid follows it well.
3) Phosphoric Acid 1x: It removes mental as well as physical debility, also effects of grief,
mental shock and sexual excesses. There may be complete apathy and stupor. It suits persons
who grow rapidly. One drop in water may be taken thrice a day after meals for a month or
4) Kali Jodatum 6x, thrice a day for a few days: It helps in controlling high blood pressure.
It is also a remedy for atherosclerosis (arteriosclerosis accompanied by deposits of
carbohydrates, fats etc along inner arterial walls).
5) Radium Brom 12x, twice daily for some days: It is effective in low blood pressure due
to severe pains in different parts of the body, particularly on parts with skin affections when
there is increase in white blood cells having more than one nucleus.


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