

(The symptoms comprise of weight gain, swelling of the feet, body or face, oedema, irregular
cycles, dry skin, constipation, hair loss, mental derangements etc. Stress makes the thyroid falter.
There may be abnormal cholesterol and sugar levels. Yoga helps.)
1) Calcarea Phos 30x: It may be given once daily in the morning. It would serve as a tonic
and an important inter-current remedy.
2) Calcarea Carb 30x, one dose daily in the evening: Calcarea patient is disposed to grow
fat, sweats easily, wets the pillow, craves indigestible things, feels better when constipated,
wakes at night frequently, coughs while eating, and takes cold readily. It is excellent in
dysfunction of pituitary and thyroid glands. It is complementary to Cal Phos.

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