Hysteria(Biochemic medicine)


(Functional disturbance of nervous system characterized by mental, intellectual and moral
perversions, anesthesia, convulsive seizers etc)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) Hysteria is hereditary generally
b) It affects an unhappy person who endeavors to do things much more than his/her abilities
c) He/she may make scenes to gain love, sympathy etc
d) Spasms, loss of voice, stammering and frequent fits may resemble epileptic fits.
e) The patient normally does not hurt himself/herself
1) Kali Phos 6x: It is the principal Bio-chemic remedy in nervous attacks from sudden or
intense emotions or from passionate fury or unusual excitement or profound grief. Hysterical
yawning, hysterical fits of laughter and crying, hysterical spasms with unconsciousness and
low muttering delirium may be noticed. There may be a sensation of a ball rising in the
throat. Let 5 tablets be given every 2 hours for a few days. If need be, Kali Phos 3x may be
taken every 10 minutes, 3 or 4 doses comprising of 5 tablets.
2) Natrum Mur 6x: If hysteria associated with great sadness, moody spells, somnambulism,
fears, or irregular menstruation, let it be alternated with Kali Phos. Natrum Mur is the
remedy if the symptoms get relieved as soon as the patient perspires.
It appears hysteria takes root in the ‘hystera’ (Uterus). It may be termed nervous disease of the uterus
inasmuch as uterus receives its nerves from the sympathetic system which governs nutrition,
circulation, respiration, gestation etc.


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