Idiopathic thrombocytopenia Purpura(Biochemic medicine)

Idiopathic thrombocytopenia Purpura

(A decrease in the number of platelets)
A decrease in the number of blood platelets (Thrombocytes) is termed thrombocytopenia. Purpura is
characterized by extravasation of blood due to increased capillary permeability resulting from a
deficiency in the number of platelets. Sudden bleeding from different parts of the body occurs in acute
attack of thrombocytopenia.
The author cites a case in the words of Dr R. N. Biswas, Ph.D., who suffered from the disease in
November 2006:
“Blood test revealed platelet count of fifteen thousand only and hemoglobin level was 10.7. The
platelet count rapidly fell to five thousand and then to one thousand per micro-liter. At that time
hemoglobin count also came down to 8.1. In the Emergency phase during December 2006 and January
2007, intervention like blood and platelet transfusion and other life-supporting measures were
administered… at this stage to be exact, in July 2007, A K. Sarkar, a Bio-chemic physician,
prescribed Bio-chemic medicines-Ferrum Phos 6x and Calcarea Phos 6x. I took the medicines three
times a day regularly and the levels of Hemoglobin and RBC started improving gradually within two
months. Some other bio-chemic remedies such as Natrum Mur, Calcarea Fluor, Kali Mur, BC-7 and
Kali Phos were also prescribed for specific complaints subsequently. After a year of persistent
medication, all the levels including platelet count rose to nearly normal. I have been taking these
medicines since then and I feel a significant difference.”
The above article appeared in quarterly JOURNAL ON BIO-SALTS & HEALTH, Volume No. 01,
Issue No. 02 (April-June 2010) of All Bengal Doctors Association of Bio-chemic Medicines. A. K.
Sarkar, who cured Dr Biswas of the life-threatening disease, was the President of the Association

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