Impotency (Biochemic medicine)


(Erectile dysfunction)
(We have indicated a few remedies. One has to select that which suits in accordance with one’s
1) Selenium 6x, to be taken 4 hourly for some days: Impotency with lascivious thoughts,
extreme sadness, great debility, prostatitis, loss of sexual power, insufficient erections, too
rapid emission, sexual neurasthenia; hydrocele; involuntary dribbling of semen, prostatic
fluid, urine; coryza ends in diarrhoea; constipation troubles. Complaints worsen in summer.
Wine incompatible.
2) Phosphoric Acid 1x, one drop to be taken in spoonful of water three times a day after
meals for at least one month, may be for several days if it suits. Indifferent to the affairs of
life; frequent profuse emissions at night and at stool; sexual power deficient; testicles tender
and swollen; irresistible desire to masturbate; there may be eczema of scrotum or oedema of
prepuce. Selenium is complementary.
3) Argentum Nitricum 12x, to be taken thrice a day: “Very characteristic is the great desire
for sweets.” Erection fails when coition is attempted. Coition is painful. Genitals shrivel.
The patient suffers from peculiar mental impulses, wants to do things in a hurry, not able to
tolerate heat.
4) Kali Phos 30x, once daily: Impotence with painful emissions at night, without erection.
Sexual instinct entirely dormant much of the time. Utter prostration & depression, also weak
vision after coitus. Spermatorrhoea arising from excessive sexual excitement.
5) Cobaltum 6x, thrice a day for some days: ‘Pain in right testicle; better, urinating.
Emission without erection. Impotence. Backache in lumbar region and weak legs. Lewd
dreams. Pain in end of urethra; greenish discharge; brown spots on genitals and abdomen’
(Dr Boericke).


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