Influenza(Biochemic medicine)


(La Grippe)
(An acute, contagious, infectious disorder with rapid prostration, severe catarrh, coryza, fever,
muscular pain, inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by virus or bacteria)
1) Arsenic Alb 12x or 30x, to be taken 4 hourly: High temperature worse wet weather, after
midnight, better warm application; mentally restless, physically weak, burning pains, great
thirst, drinks often, but little at a time, fears, of death, of being left alone, sneezing without
2) Natrum Sulph 6x, every two hours: It is the chief Bio-chemic remedy for influenza since
this disease is caused by an excess of water in the cellular tissues. It increases secretion of
urine and diminishes excess of intercellular fluid. Dark brown coating of the tongue is
indicative of this remedy. If required, it may be alternated with Ferrum Phos 6x, which is
used in the first stage with chills, followed by heat, fever, headache, quick pulse, anxiety,
dryness of throat, earache and vomiting of undigested food, and all inflammatory conditions.
When the tongue is coated white or gray, Kali Mur may be alternated with Ferrum Phos.


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