Insanity(Biochemic medicine)


(Mania, Madness, Mental derangements)
1) Kali Phos 6x: “When insanity is caused from masturbation, and the patient is not idiotic
in his actions, but is restless and morose and at times quarrelsome…it yields more readily to
Kali Phos than any other remedy we have used.” (W. E. Taylor, Supt. Western Asylum for the
insane); Hallucinations, somnambulism, talks while asleep: inclination to look at the dark
side of everything; makes mountains out of mole-hills; dread of noise; brain-fag fromoverwork; haunted by the visions of the past; grasping at imaginary objects; delirium tremens;
hysterical yawning; maniac with mental derangements. It is considered invaluable if taken
thrice a day for a month or so. Conditions improve as soon as the first dose is taken.
2) Natrum Sulph 6x: Mental troubles arising from injuries to the head; suicidal tendency due
to bilious derangements; music makes the person melancholic; symptoms worse in the
morning. It should be taken three times a day for a few days.
3) Natrum Phos 6x, thrice a day: “Imagines on waking at night that pieces of furniture are
persons; that he hears footsteps in next room. Nervous, irritable, vexed at trifles. Forgetful.
Great mental prostration.”
4) Aurum Met 12x or 30x thrice daily for some days: The patient entertains great inclination
to commit suicide, although afraid of death. He is low spirited, depressed and dejected; has
no guts; considers himself unfit to live in the world.
5) Baryta Mur 12x thrice daily for some days: Its application has cured many kinds of mania
in patients who suffer from excessive sexual tendency; which is highly maddening


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