Kidney Affections(Biochemic medicine)

Kidney Affections

(Nephritis, Bright’s disease etc)
(The excessive use of intoxicating liquors is frequently the cause of the diseases of kidneys. The
use of alcoholic drinks should therefore be strictly abstained.)
Precaution, Signs & Symptoms:
a) Routine examination of urine throws light on diseases of the kidneys
b) In cases of nephritis, the onset is insidious and silent. So the examination helps.
Treatment becomes easy.
c) Stones may be present in the kidneys without symptoms.
d) Pain commences suddenly in the back and radiates to the groin and testes.
e) Renal colic is severe generally.
Calcarea Phos 6x: It is useful in kidney disease with albumen in the urine. In such a situation, it
should be alternated with Kali Phos 6x every two hours. A case-record from E.A. de Cailhol,
M.D. is worth mentioning:
“G.S., an old man of 77, consulted me for what he called a “laziness of his kidneys.” Urine
was, in fact, very scanty and loaded with albumen. The case seemed, at first sight, to be a
hopeless one; he was also forgetful and quite nervous. I gave him Calc. Phos., a dose every
two hours in alternation with Kali Phos. After six weeks’ treatment, urine was normal, his
memory was somewhat restored, and for six months he has not complained. As to diet, I only
recommended to him to eat as much asparagus as he could at his meals, and continue the use
of the afore-mentioned medicines.” Calcarea Phos is also beneficial in violent pain at the
region of kidneys when lifting any object or when blowing the nose.
Calcarea Sulph 12x, twice a day: In the case of intense pain in the region of kidneys, followed by a
great discharge of pus in the urine, it affects rapid and permanent recovery. It may be alternated with
Silicea 12x.
Ars Alb 12x or 30x thrice daily for some days: Tubular nephritis (Very long inflammation of Kidneys)
with dropsy; urine containing albumin & other casts; there may be thirst for cold water at some
intervals in small quantities

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