

(Whitish discoloration of the skin)
1) Ars Sulf Flav 6x, 2 tablets thrice a day: It is the principal remedy for leucoderma. If
treatment is commenced as soon as the disease occurs, a few doses may be enough, but in
case it has become chronic, then long treatment is desired. For a child use of one tablet at a
time is recommended.
2) Natrum Mur 12x, twice daily: Craving for salt is characteristic symptom; great
emaciation while living well. “It acts upon the blood, lymphatic system, the mucous lining of
the digestive tract and upon liver and spleen.” It is the remedy for all skin diseases, where
there is a watery exudation or an excessive dryness of the skin, including white scales or
patches. Calcarea Phos 6x may be alternated, if need be.
3) Vanadium 6x, thrice daily: It is very good to remove irregular milk-white patches on the
skin with weight loss and low blood pressure. It is an oxygen carrier. It increases
hemoglobin and phagocytes. It eliminates degenerative condition of the liver. It is a tonic to
digestive system, so helps in gradual removal of white patches.
Note: It is usually caused by low levels of hydrochloric acid in stomach. The patient should avoid
milk products and citrus fruits


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