Leukemia(Biochemic medicine)


(Leucocythemia, Blood Cancer)
(Progressive proliferation of abnormal leucocytes in hemo tissues, other organs, and in the blood,
occurring due to acute infection, with severe anemia, hemorrhages, and enlargement of lymph nodes
or spleen; it constitutes replacement of bone marrow by malignant clones of granulocytes or
lymphocytes. If it is chronic, it is either myeloid or lymphocytic.)
Bio-chemic treatment:
If detected early, there is a good possibility of cure by combination of:
1) Calcarea Phos,
2) Ferrum Phos,
3) Kali Phos,
4) Natrum Mur,
5) Natrum Phos,
6) Natrum Sulph
Five tablets for adults and 3 tablets for children may be given four times a day at intervals of
three hours, preferably in the 3x or 6x potency.
Calcarea Phos deals with emaciation and anaemia, accompanying Leukemia, and excess of
white corpuscles, by promoting formation of RBC, and protein;
Ferrum Phos is an indispensable constituent of hemoglobin, colors the blood corpuscles red,
carries oxygen to all parts of body, plays an important role in fighting infections, removes
blood poverty, and is a useful remedy in leukemia; cancer cells generally do not thrive in
oxygenated environment;
Kali Phos is an anti-septic, hinders decay of tissues in leukemia, and lessens cancer pains;
Natrum Mur is also good to deal with leukemia. In the opinion of Dr Willmar Schwabe “It has
favorable effect on deficient blood composition.” Dr E. P. Anshutz has written that “It has proved
curative in Leukemia.”
Natrum Phos is also good in treating leukemia and leucocytosis;
“Natrum Sulph takes away water from worn-out leucocytes, and thereby accomplishes their
disintegration. It is, therefore, the remedy for leukemia.” (Dr Boericke & Dr Dewey); A patient
desires ice or ice-cold water. It is very effective in splenic and lymphatic leukemia with piercing
pains in extremeties. It also suits severe cases.
Vanadium 6x or 12x, twice or thrice a day: It also acts as an oxygen carrier. “It increases amount
of hemoglobin, also combines its oxygen with toxins and destroys their virulence. Also increases
and stimulates phagocytes.” It is a remedy in degenerative conditions of the liver and arteries. It
acts as a tonic to digestive system.
Arsenic Alb 30x, twice daily for a few days: It is a profoundly acting remedy on every organ
and tissue. The patient may drink much, but little at a time, may suffer from fear fright worry,
and burning pains like coals of fire. He feels better from heat and warm drinks, worse from
cold drinks, wet weather, after midnight. There may be great exhaustion, debility and
restlessness after the slightest exertion. It will combine well with Vanadium.
Ars Iod 12x or 30x three times per day: In the case of Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, this
treatment will be beneficial. The patient may have pulmonary tuberculosis, recurring fever and
sweats. It is also preferable to take Calcarea Carb 12x twice a day to augment beneficial
action of Ars Iod. Let the treatment be under supervision of a qualified doctor, if necessary.
Natrum Iod 6x, three times a day: “Nat Iod has been used, with good results in anaemia of the
leucaemic form, not reacting on Kali Phos or Nat Sulph.” Dr Med. Eric Graf Von Der Goltz


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