

(Inflammation of the meninges, the three membranes enveloping Brain & Spinal Cord due to
trauma or viral/bacterial infection or lack of phosphate of iron and potassium chloride; the onset
is sudden; symptoms include intolerable headache, high fever, nausea, persistent vomiting, rigors,
delirium, rigidity of neck, dilation of pupils etc. The treatment should be timely. Hospitalization
is preferred.)
a) It may be caused by Meningococcus, tubercle bacillus, pneumococcus, micro organism such as
b) It may be caused by extension of sepsis from the skull bones.
c) It may be caused by an abscess in the ear.
Please note:
The headache ceases when delirium commences but in meningitis, it continues.
1) Ferrum Phos 6x & Kali Mur 6x: For congestion of brain with delirium, fever, rapid
pulse, hammering pain in head > cold applications, five tablets of Ferrum Phos should be
given every one hour and may be alternated with Kali Mur when effusion of serum occurs.
2) Natrum Sulph 3x, every two hours: For violent pains at base of brain, as if crushed in a
vise, particularly after injuries to the head, it is the remedy and may be alternated with
Ferrum Phos 3x and Kali Phos 3x together. Advice of Dr Kent is worth noting:
“If all the remedies in the materia medica were taken away from me, and I were to have but
one with which to treat the disease, I would take Natr. Sulph, because it will modify the
attack and save life in the majority of cases.”
It is a very good remedy for spinal meningitis particularly in case the patient is living in a
basement where dampness prevails. The patient does not like sounds; even ringing of a
telephone is unbearable to him.
3) Calcarea Phos 2x powder morning and evening: It is the chief remedy in
hydrocephalus, acute or chronic. It should be alternated with Argentum Nitricum 6x if there is
sensation of sudden pinch, intolerance of heat, characteristic splinter-like pains, peculiar
mental impulses, and great desire for sweets.
4) Cuprum Met 6x or 12x twice daily for a week: It is very useful when the patient suffers
from cramps & convulsions, and nausea/giddiness dominates; there may be constant
protrusion and retraction of the tongue resembling that of a snake; meningitis with sensation
as if water were poured over the head.
5) Zincum Met 6x or 12x twice daily for a week: He/ she rolls head from side to side, and
bores it into pillow; forehead cool, but base of the brain is hot; headache may be caused by
the smallest quantity of wine; brain-fag & meningitis with defective vitality, brain or nerve
power lacking; violent fidgety feeling in feet; can only void urine while sitting bent
backwards; great relief from discharges.


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