Migraine(Biochemic medicine)


(Severe headache, periodically returning, usually affecting one side of the head)
a) Disruption in the flow of blood causes migraine.
b) It may be associated with nausea and/or vomiting as well as
irritability with photophobia and phonophobia.
c) Common triggers for an attack are red wine, relaxation after stress,
menstruation, mild head injury.
d) Migraine is nearly always throbbing.
e) It often starts on waking up and continues for a number of hours.
1) Natrum Mur 6x, 4 times a day for a week or so, subsequently twice a day: Hammering
headache, mainly in forehead, & temples, and usually semi-lateral, with drowsiness,
constipation and un-refreshing sleep, worse generally in the morning, due to excessive
dryness of the tissues of the brain. A few doses of Ferrum Phos and Kali Phos 6x will also be
2) Silicea 6x or 12x twice daily for at least one week: It is suitable to migraine with very
strong desire to cover the head completely. Commencing from the back of the head, the pain
settles over one eye, and is relieved by pressure and urinating, and is worse in windy cold
3) Ferrum Phos 6x, thrice daily: For congestive headache with red face, throbbing from rush
of blood to the head, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and disorder of sight, relieved
by cold applications, increased by motion/stooping, it is the best remedy. The headaches of
children are quickly cured by its application.
4) Kali Phos 6x thrice daily: For purely nervous headaches resulting from overstraining of
the mental faculties, with the tongue coated brownish-yellow like stale mustard,
accompanied by irritability, sleeplessness and anger, better under cheerful excitement and
gentle motion, it is very effective and, if necessary, may be alternated with Ferrum Phos.
a) Maintain timings for going to bed, arising from the bed, and eating.
b) Avoid citrus fruits, caffeine, meats, beer and alcohol.
c) Whole grains help.
d) The patient should lie down in a well ventilated dark room when suffering from the disease.

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