(To suffer a miscarriage of a fetus)
Kali Phos 6x: It is very good for ruling out threatened miscarriage in weak and nervous subjects.
It may be administered twice a day along with Calcarea Fluor 6x. The latter favors easy
confinement, if given during pregnancy. One may add Calcarea Phos 6x to the above two
remedies advantageously. It will cover weakness caused by uterine displacements. “Calcarea
Phos may not have the contracting power of Calcarea Fluor, by acting directly upon the muscles
and tissues involved, but it acts indirectly by building up the general health and aiding digestion,
thereby restoring the tissues to a healthy condition and promoting the deposit of Calcarea Fluor.”
Kali Carb 6x or 12x twice daily for some days: For abortion every 2
nd or 3
rd month, if the blood
is dark red and clotted, it is the remedy