Morphine Habit(Biochemic)

Morphine Habit

1) Kali Phos 3x: Dr B. A. Sonders, M. D., Winterset, Ohio reports a case of a young lady,
aged 20, intelligent, handsome, nevertheless a confirmed ‘morphine fiend.’ He administered
Kali Phos 3x, a dose every 15 minutes, total 6 doses. The change was wonderful. “The sharp,
intense headache, sleeplessness, wild, staring eyes, brown, dry tongue, and that horrible
sinking, “all gone” sensation rapidly yielded to the cell-salt, and she made a good
2) Natrum Phos 6x: In case, moist, creamy or golden yellow coating at the back part of the
tongue is observed, Natrum Phos 3x or 6x should be given to diminish the morphine habit
progressively. Dr M.J. Luys cured a physician, who had been accustomed to take about seven
grains of morphine daily, in about two months.

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