

(Epidemic Parotitis)
(An acute contagious disease caused by a virus and characterized by swelling of parotid &
salivary glands; the onset is marked by chill, fever, vomiting, and malaise. Warm application
relieves pain. Acid food aggravates the symptoms.)
Kali Mur 6x: It is the principal bio-chemic remedy for the exudation or glandular swelling. It
proves sufficient if alternated 2 hourly with Ferrum Phos 6x. However, with excessive secretion
of saliva or with swelling of the testicles occurring as a metastasis with mumps, Natrum Mur 6x
should also be used as an inter-current remedy.
Deficiency of molecules of potassium chloride (Kali Mur) leads to accumulation of the fibrin in the
parotid and salivary glands causing their inflammation, swelling and shooting pains. Generally it
affects children, not infants or old persons. It may be bilateral. Excess of fibrin is a medium for
bacterial growth.

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