

(Corpulence, fatness, bulkiness)
Please note:
a) Family history
b) Sudden or gradual onset
c) Obesity – generalized or localized
d) Habits of diet and exercise
e) Whether obesity associated with pain
f) Fat distribution in the body
g) Any problem relating to endocrine glands
a) Great increase in weight may be owing to family history, often occurring at the same age to
different members. It generally occurs in the middle age.
b) It may be aggravated by over-eating or lack of exercise.
c) It may be associated with disorder in lipid metabolism as in:
i) Diabetes
ii) Atheroma
iii) Gall stones
iv) Muscular deficiency – hernia
v) Uterine prolapse
vi) Varicose veins
vii) Osteoarthritis
viii) It may aggravate dyspnoea
ix) There may be irregular distribution of fat – lower parts obese, upper emaciated.
1) Graphites 30x twice daily for some days: It suits persons who have tendency to skin
affections, habitual constipation, and become fat for no rhyme and reason. Calcarea Carb
30x, one dose in the morning and the other dose in the evening will be beneficial for those
who have large abdomen, and are sensitive to cold. Use of Calcarea Carb alone for a month
or so may give good results.
2) Calcarea Phos 12x with Natrum Mur 6x: Over a period of time 5 celloids 3 times daily
may be taken to achieve weight loss.
a) Diet rich in calcium helps reduce fat; also take green vegetables and fruits.
b) Fasting and dieting are harmful, may lead to anorexia or bulimia. So should be discouraged.
c) Low calorie diet and regular physical activity help.
d) Choose whole grain products.
e) Walk at least one mile a day.


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