Osteoarthritis(Biochemic )


(Form of arthritis wherein cartilages of joints and adjacent bones are worn out, causing intense
Primary Sites:
a) Osteoarthritis affects the joints of the spine.
b) Severe degenerative changes of the cervical spine are seen.
c) Vertigo and tinnitus may occur.
d) Numbness of hands and arms are common.
1) Calcarea Carb 12x, thrice daily for some days: Swelling of joints, especially knees;
burning of soles of feet; feet feel cold and dead at night. Rheumatoid pains as if parts were
wrenched or sprained. The patient feels better in every way when constipated, craves
indigestible things. “Head sweats profusely while sleeping, wetting pillow far around.” It is
a constitutional remedy par excellence.
2) Calcarea Fluorica 3x with Calcarea Phos 3x, twice a day: Inflammation of knee joint
with chronic synovitis, and cracking in the joints; pains in knees worse walking. Gouty pains
with cramp in calves. Numbness and coldness of the limbs.

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