Ovarian Cyst/Tumor

Ovarian Cyst/Tumor

(Overitis/oophoritis (inflammation of ovary)
Mag Phos 6x, 4 hourly: Ovarian neuralgia with sharp shooting darting pains in both ovaries and
small of back, and a sensation of contraction of womb. In acute case it is given in hot water.
Application of heat also relieves promptly. Calcarea Phos in 6x potency is closely allied to Mag
Phos in many respects and so is frequently given in alternation with it.
Calcarea Carb 30x: Polyp in ovaries; pain in uterus during menses; menses too early, too profuse,
last too long; there may be vertigo with icy cold feet. One dose may be given daily in the morning
for a fortnight.
Graphites 30x, one dose daily in the morning for a fortnight: It is good for swelling and
induration of the left ovary, uterus and mammae; there may be pain in the right ovary also with
scanty menses and constipation; symptoms worse warmth, at night, during and after menses.
Aurum Mur Natronatum 3x, thrice daily for some days: It is very good for treatment of indurated
ovaries, also for ovarian dropsy

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