Pancreatic troubles( Biochemic )

Pancreatic troubles

(Pancreas secretes digestive enzymes and hormone insulin)
a) A leading symptom is severe continuous epigastric pain, which is felt in the right
epigastric region in biliary pancreatitis.
b) Belt-shaped radiation of the pain along the ribs and to the back is quite significant.
1) Iodum 12x, 4 hourly for some days: Voracious appetite, yet loses flesh all the time and
gets thin; great emaciation; slightest effort induces perspiration; sensation as if heart
squeezed with an iron hand; craves cold air; constipation alternates with diarrhea; offensive
odor from mouth; liver and spleen enlarged; pancreas contracted.
2) Natrum Sulph 6x, thrice daily: If a diabetes mellitus is caused by a lessened secretion of
pancreatic fluid, Natrum Sulph is the answer. It is also regarded as a significant constituent of
the endocrinic secretions of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. It keeps bile and pancreatic
juice at normal consistency, regulates supply of water in intercellular fluids and eliminates
excess of water from the blood. Although Natrum Sulph is the chief remedy, Kali Phos 6x is
also required occasionally as an additional tonic with good results.

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