

(Complete or partial loss of motor or sensory function; also Paraplegia=Paralysis of the entire
lower half of the body)
1) Aurum Met 12x or 30x, thrice daily for one week: Paralysis due to high blood pressure;
patient talks of commiting suicide; horrible odor from mouth. Condition worsens in cold
2) Plumbum Met 12x or 30x, twice daily for 15 days: It is required in paralysis of a single
muscle. One cannot lift anything with hand. ‘Paralysis from overexertion of the extensor
muscles in piano players.’ Paralysis of lower extremities; shooting pains, worse motion and
at night.
3) Kali Phos 6x, four hourly: It is the chief Bio-chemic remedy for all varieties of paralysis:
infantile, locomotor, atrophic (in which stools have a putrid odor), facial, creeping or
sudden. It is the first remedy for hemiplegia, paraplegia, and paralysis of vocal cords causing
loss of voice. It may be alternated with Mag Phos 6x.
Dr W. J. Grimes, East Liverpool, Ohio has reported that he “was called to see Mrs R, age 36.
Paralysis of left side; Had been treated about one month by another M.D. I found her in bed,
unable to walk. I put her on Kali Phos, every four hours in alternation with Magnes. Phos. every
four hour. Her improvement was soon noted, and after two months treatment she was walking the
streets with almost complete use of the paralysed parts. No other remedies were used; have had
other similar cases with same results.”
4) Causticum 30X daily once: Paralysis of single parts; vocal cords, muscles of degulation, of
tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Numbness; loss of sensation in hands; contracted
tendons; weak ankles; restless legs at night with stiffness in hollow of knees.


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