(Inflammation of the lungs caused by infection of a virulent virus; the onset is sudden, begins with
a sharp chill, followed by very high fever, headache, pain in chest, cough with rusty-colored
mucus, rapid breathing which rises to double or triple of the normal rate; well ventilated warm
room, light diet, hot drinks constitute essential requirements; after initial emergency treatment,
supervision of an experienced physician is a must.)
1) Ferrum Phos 6x: For inflammation of the lungs, high fever, pain, congestion, and short
hurried & oppressed breathing, it is the first and the chief remedy. It is of no use after
exudation has set in, nor in morbidly active cases. Expectoration of clear blood or rustcolored sputa is observed in cough of pneumonia. It should be given hourly, but less
frequently once the improvement commences. Dr G. W. Lawrence has affirmed that “this
remedy and Veratrum Viride give me better success in the treatment of pneumonia than any
remedies I have ever tried.” For pneumonia with faint feeling in stomach, early manifestation
of hepatization, and violent congestion, Veratrum Viride 6 should therefore be alternated with
Ferrum Phos 6x. It raises “the opsonic index against the diploccus pneumonia, 70 to 109 per
cent.” If free perspiration is not established by the use of Ferrum Phos, Kali Sulph 6x should
be alternated two hourly, especially if temperature rises from evening until midnight and then
falls, and the patient suffers from expectoration of loose, rattling, yellow phlegm or watery
2) Antim Tart 30x, 3 doses, every 10 minutes: In case there is great rattling of mucus with
little expectoration, and there is much drowsiness, debility and sweat, Antim Tart gives
ample relief. “When the patient coughs there appears to be large collection of mucus in the
bronchi; it seems as if much would be expectorated, but nothing comes up.” Kali Mur also
may be taken three times a day, if the mucus is thick and white.
3) Iodum 3x, one hourly for 3 to 4 days: Right-sided pneumonia with high temperature,
blood-streaked sputum, rapidly spreading hepatization, pleuritic effusion, croupy wheezy
cough, difficulty in breathing, gets thin despite good appetite, heart feels squeezed.
4) Ars Alb 12x or 30x, twice daily for a week: It is very effective if restlessness
accompanies pneumonia and the patient fears suffocation while lying down.