Polypi(Biochemic )


(Pedunculated tumors growing from mucous membranes; vitamin D intake should be adequate)
Calcarea Phos 6x, 4 hourly: It is excellent in the case of large pedunculated nasal polypi. The
nose may be swollen and ulcerated and tip of nose may be icy-cold. The sense of smell is
impaired considerably. “Calcarea Phos dries the polypus and cures it.” In case, polypi in both
nostrils is large, gray and bleeds easily, Calcarea Phos 30X should be given every morning for a
week. It would work.
Alumina 12x, twice daily for one week: It is useful in polypus of the left nostril of the nose. The
patient may be suffering from constipation and fluent coryza; even a soft stool is passed with
difficulty, worse in the morning on awakening.
Calcarea Carb 30x, one dose daily in the morning for a few days: It is a good remedy for polypus
of the nose, ear, bladder, uterus etc in the case of persons who suffer from cold at every change of


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