Pregnancy Ailments & Precaution(Biochemic)

Pregnancy Ailments & Precaution

a) To aid normal development of a child, one dose of Ferrum Phos 6x daily in the morning,
one dose of calcarea Phos 6x daily in the afternoon and one dose of Kali Phos 6x daily in the
evening should be taken by the mother during entire course of pregnancy to ensure proper
intake of vital mineral salts. It would improve general health, eradicate nervousness and
promote normal excretion.
b) In respect of ineffectual labor-pains, Dr Rozas, in the Pop. Zeit., says: “For three years I
have employed Kali Phos., in 10-grain doses, dry on the tongue, every ten or fifteen minutes,
as a remedy to excite labor-pains. It has never failed me, and I seldom have to give the third
dose.” Dr Chapman affirms it when he says that “From my own experience and the reports of
other physicians and midwives, I am led to believe the testimony of Dr Rozas is not
overdrawn.” Dr E. H. Hollbrook, M.D., also endorses it saying that “In labor, when the pains
are too weak and irregular, I have seen nothing act more promptly and effectually than Kali
Phos.” However, it is experienced that if Kali Phos is taken for a month or two prior to the
expected time of delivery, it strenghthens the nervous and muscular system to such an extent
that delivery is accomplished with comparative ease and comfort usually. Kali Phos 6x also
helps considerably in threatened miscarriage, when given in hourly doses. If miscarriage has
already happened, a few doses of Ferrum Phos 6X are required, and also Calcarea Fluor 6x
or 12x to tone up the contractile power of the uterus. Subsequently Calcarea Phos 6x is given
as a constitutional tonic.
c) For spasmodic crampy labor-pains and eclampsia (convulsions occurring in late
pregnancy with rise in blood pressure and unconsciousness), Mag Phos 6x is a gem. It is
given in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 doses every 15 minutes.
d) After birth of an infant, if Ferrum Phos 6x is given two or three doses hourly in the
morning, it prevents mastitis (inflammation of mammary glands), metritis (inflammation of
uterus), lactation fever and gives tremendous relief in after-pains.
e) In the treatment of agalactia (failure or inadequate supply of milk after child birth)
Calcarea Fluor 6x will help a lot.
f) Kali Mur 6x, 2 hourly for two or three days: It is the chief remedy for Puerperal fever
which is related to child birth.
g) Silicea 12x, twice a day: It is needed if nipples crack and ulcerate, and child refuses
milk or vomits as soon as taken. It is also quite good in the case of suppuration of mammae,
hard lumps in breast, chronic fistulous openings.

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