(Preventive Medicines)
1) Anxiety & emotion= Argentum Nitricum 30x, one or two doses.
2) Cataract= Calcarea Fluor 12x, twice a day for a few days.
3) Chicken Pox & Small Pox= Kali Mur 3x twice a day for one week.
4) Cholera= Cuprum Ars 30x, one dose in morning on three consequtive days.
5) Conjunctivitis= Ferrum Phos 12x, twice a day, 3 days.
6) Dengue= Natrum Sulph 3x, twice daily for a few days.
7) Erysipelas= Graphites 30x, one dose.
8) Gastroenteritis= Arsenic Alb 30x, one dose in the morning for seven days
9) Hay fever= One dose of Arsenic Alb 30x in the morning for seven days
10) Jaundice= Kali Mur 3x, 4 hourly, 4 days.
11) Malaria= Natrum Sulph 3x, 3 times a day, 7 days.
12) Meningitis= Ferrum Phos 12x, 3 hourly, 4 or 5 days.
13) Quinsy= Baryta carb 30x, twice 2/3 days.