

(Throbbing pain radiating down back of thigh, caused by pressure on sciatic nerve; it is neuritis of the
sciatic nerve of the thighs and legs. Pain usually first near the hip, then extends down to the knee, at
times as far as the heel.)
Signs & Symptoms:
a) The sciatic nerve runs along the back of the thigh, leg and outer border of the foot
b) Sciatic pain shoots along the course of the nerve. So it is a neuralgic pain
c) The pain starts from the small of the back and travels down to the thighs
d) Pain is aggravated by stooping, coughing, turning sides in bed and so on
e) Rest improves the pain
f) Soon objective signs appear such as pain on stretching the nerve or tenderness over its
g) The flexion of the toes diminishes; numbness and tingling sets in.
1) Kali Phos 30x, Mag Phos 30x & Kali Mur 30x, each 4 tablets, twice a day in lukewarmwater or at the time of taking tea for a fortnight: This combination cures affection of the
sciatic nerve, which extends down the back of thigh to the knee with nervous exhaustion,
stiffness, dragging pain and great restlessness.
2) Kali Phos 6x: In the case of severe pain in left leg extending the whole length of the
sciatic nerve, ten grains of the remedy may be dissolved in half a glass of water and from it a
tea-spoonful medicated water is taken every 10 minutes for an hour. It would eliminate the
pain. If the pain returns, the remedy may be taken similarly the next day. It would cure the
ailment. However, its administration should be continued for a month or so, at least thrice a
3) Cause-wise remedies:
a) If due to exposure from cold, Ferrum Phos 3x four times daily.
b) If spasmodic lightning-like convulsive pain in the right leg > by heat, Mag Phos 3x 4 times
c) If obstinate, chronic cases, Silicea 12x thrice daily.
d) If pain in the hip in cold weather at night, Calcarea Phos 6x thrice daily.
e) If pain associated with rheumatism, Natrum Phos 3x 4 times daily.
f) If contraction of muscles is the cause, Natrum Mur 3x 4 times daily.
g) If the patient afflicted with gout also, alternation of Ferrum Phos with Natrum Sulph both
in 6x potency every 2 hour.


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