

(Speaking, habitually or on occasion from embarrassment, excitement, mental conflict, with pauses
one cannot control, often with rapid repetitions of same syllable or initial sounds; if mechanical cause
like tongue tie is not taken into consideration, excellent cure for stammering is possible in emotional
or idiopathic causes.)
1) Causticum 6x, 4 hourly, 2/3 days: It is the principal remedy in case one pronounces
words wrongly, transposes syllables and letters, repeats words (which are rich in
consonants) and substitutes one of the sounds with the other. There may be paretic condition
of tongue and lips. Subsequently, Causticum 30x may be given once in a week, in case some
improvements are observed.
2) Mag Phos 30x, twice a day, in hot water: It is good for spasmodic stammering. The
patient speaks slowly and begins speaking with the teeth closed. If nervousness is the root
cause, Kali Phos 30x may be alternated twice a day. There may be twitchings of the mouth
and lips.


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