(It is a contagious disease usually spread by contact with infected people. Initially a papule
appears and soon breaks down into an ulcer with hard edges. Secondary eruptions last for weeks
or months. Then a period of apparent improvement follows. The tertiary stage of this virulent
disease is fatal. The best chance for recovery lies in prompt treatment of the disease in its early
stage under supervision of a competent physician.)
1) Arsenicum Bromatum 12x: It is a great anti-psoric and anti-syphilitic remedy. Four
tablets should be given in lukewarm water twice daily after meals. It removes syphilitic
excrescences, herpetic eruptions, diabetes etc.
2) Aurum Met 12x or 30x: The use of gold as an anti-venereal remedy is very old. This
remedy is produced out of metallic gold. So the disease which has been communicated by
sexual intercourse falls within its curative nature. Moreover such a patient develops great
desire to commit suicide; increased blood pressure afflicts him, and he may suffer fromatrophy of testicles. Dosage may be applied as the need be. It is frequently prescribed in
Secondary Syphilis, especially if syphilis is implanted on the scrofulous constitution.
3) Kali Hyd 1x, thrice a day for a week: It is indicated in all stages of syphilis: “In acute
form with evening remitting fever, going off in nightly perspiration; second stage, mucous
membranes and skin ulcerations; tertiary symptoms; nodes.”
4) Kali Mur 3x: Its deficiency causes excess of fibrin which finds an exit from the body
through urethra. It is a specific when swelling of any parts of the body exists. Five grains to
be given every three hour, preferably with Natrum Mur 3x, in case characteristic watery
transparent discharges are observed. The soft chancre requires Kali Mur; the phagedenic
chancre, Kali Phos; the hard chancre, Calcarea Fluor. These remedies should be applied
internally as well as externally.