Testicle Ailments
(Orchitis; inflammation of testis etc)
1) Aurum Met 30x, twice a day for few days: For chronic induration of testes with painful
swelling and atrophy, it is quite good. The patient may suffer from hydrocele, high blood
pressure, and suicidal tendency.
2) Ferrum Phos 6x, 4 hourly: For inflammation of the testicles, the first Bio-chemic remedy
is Ferrum Phos. When inflammation subsides, Kali Mur 6x is the chief remedy. Calcarea
Phos 6x may be given as an intercurrent remedy.
3) Calcarea Fluor 6x, 2 hourly: For induration and hardening & dropsy of testicles, it is
4) Silicea and Natrum Mur both in 6x potency mixed together, twice daily for some days: It
is very useful in curing orchitis (inflammation of testicles).