Thalassemia (Biochemic)


(Inherited disorders of haemoglobin; decrease in net synthesis of a particular globin chain;
haematologic abnormality/fatal anaemia)
1) Vanadium 6x or 12x, twice a day: It acts as an oxygen carrier, increases quality and
quantity of haemoglobulin, destroys virulence of toxins. It acts as a tonic to digestive system.
It increases and stimulates phagocytes. It helps in degenerative condition of the liver and
arteries. It removes atheroma (lesions of atherosclerosis) of arteries of brain and liver. It
eliminates deposits of carbohydrates and fats etc.
2) Bio-combination number one, thrice daily: It comprises of Calcarea Phos, Ferrum Phos,
Kali Phos, and Natrum Mur. Calcarea Phos “supplies new blood-cells, becoming the first
remedy in anaemia and chlorosis.” (Dr Boericke & Dewey). It serves as a tonic for anaemic
subjects. Ferrum Phos “colors the blood-cells red.” (Dr Carey). It contains iron, attracts
oxygen, and as such is a useful remedy in diseases of blood corpuscles. “Kali Phos is an
anti-septic and hinders the decay of tissues.” It is a constituent of blood-cells. Natrum Mur
covers anaemic conditions, with thin watery blood. It “regulates the osmosis of water fromthe arterial blood to the several serous sacs.” (Dr Boericke & Dewey).
3) Ars Alb 12x or 30x, twice daily for some days: It is quite good for anemia owing
degenerative changes in the blood and also to deal with abnormally large red cells.
4) Calcarea Ars 3x, twice daily for a few days: In case hemoglobin and red corpuscles are
quite low, it helps considerably in achieving increase thereof.
5) Ferrum Met 1x twice daily in water after meals: It is very effective in treatment of
thalassemia major, whether hereditary or genetically transmitted. It is the most harmful formof thalassemia. It is also known as Cooley’s anemia, named after Dr Cooley who discovered
it in 1925. The abnormalities are more troublesome in winter.
6) Plumbum Met 12x twice daily for some days: It is used if there is rapid reduction in
number of red blood cells causing pallor, icterus, anemia. The blood, alimentary and nervous
systems are the specific seats of the action of this remedy. There may be twitchings, and
cramps in the calves. The patient cannot raise or lift anything with the hands.


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