1) Ferrum Phos 6x: Toothache from inflammation of the gums or nerves, worse with hot,
better with cold drinks. Toothache after eating. Teeth feel elongated. Five celloids may be
taken half hourly five times. This should not be taken in the evening.
2) Mag Phos 6x: If hot liquids ease the pain, cold drinks increase it, Mag Phos suits the best
and may be had even every 10 minutes in lukewarm water, 4 or 5 times, in doses comprising
of 5 tablets. It reduces excruciating neuralgic pains; the pains may change location quickly;
there may be ulceration of the gums with swelling of the glands of face etc.
3) Silicea 12x, 4 hourly: If pains are very violent at night, and neither heat nor cold gives
any relief, it is the remedy. Such pains are often caused by sudden chilling of feet or when
abscess forms in the case of decayed teeth.
4) Calcarea Fluor 6x: Toothache if any food touches the teeth. There may be unnatural
looseness of teeth; swelling displays bony hardness which is characteristic of Calcarea
Fluor. One should take it three times a day; each time one should keep 5 to 7 tablets in mouth
for 2 or three minutes, thereafter swallow the liquid. It cleans the teeth in the process, and
whitens them.
5) Calcarea Phos 6x: It is the chief remedy for teething disorders. In too late or retarded
dentition, two celloids of Calcarea Phos should be dissolved in milk and given to the baby.
One of the vital requirements for the formation of healthy teeth is the presence of an adequate
quantity of Calcarea Phos. It should be given twice a day